SP&T News

News Video Surveillance Week
Top 10 Under 40: Kunal Kumar, Channel sales executive, video, Ontario, Avigilon (Motorola Solutions), 36

July 2, 2023  By  SP&T Staff

What is the first task you take care of in a typical working day?

The first task I take care of on a typical working day is usually checking my emails, calendar, and to-do list to plan out my day and prioritize tasks.

What do you enjoy most about the security profession?

Being a techno-commercial security professional, I enjoy the challenge and variety that the security profession offers. It’s both intellectually stimulating and rewarding to work on solutions for security issues and to be able to protect people and organizations from malicious actors. I also appreciate the opportunity to learn new skills and stay up-to-date on security trends and technology.


Do you have any tips for achieving a successful work-life balance?

1. Set realistic goals and expectations.
2. Prioritize the most important tasks first.
3. Make time for yourself and family.
4. Take regular breaks throughout the day.
5. Create a schedule and stick to it.
6. Set boundaries between work and home.
7. Learn to say “no” when needed.
8. Delegate tasks whenever possible.
9. Exercise regularly to reduce stress.
10. Make time for leisure activities.

How can the security industry draw more young people and newcomers to the profession?

The security industry can draw more young people and newcomers to the profession by providing more attractive entry-level positions and internships, as well as offering educational opportunities for those interested in the field.

Additionally, the security industry can engage in active outreach to potential employees, such as attending professional conferences and job fairs or engaging in social media marketing. Furthermore, the industry should emphasize the diverse career paths and job growth potential available in the profession, as well as the opportunities to work on meaningful projects and develop valuable skills. I am part of the ASIS Toronto Chapter education committee and mentorship program as well as a part-time faculty member at Toronto Business College. Take a chance to give back to your profession and discover fresh perspectives, ideas and approaches.

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