SP&T News

Top 10 Under 40: Jessica Tanan, Security sales and business development, Vipond, 31

July 2, 2023  By  SP&T Staff

What is the first task you take care of in a typical working day?

Before I turn on my computer or make any calls, I take the time to work on my mindset and practice mindfulness, which has significantly impacted my overall well-being and productivity.

Writing down my goals and visualizing the kind of day I want to have helps me to clarify my objectives and provides a roadmap for my actions. Gratitude helps me cultivate a positive outlook, even in difficult situations, and enhances my interactions with my colleagues and customers.

By striving to do better than yesterday, I’m actively seeking growth and personal development with the support of my incredible team and leadership. My commitment to learning enables me to adapt to new challenges and provide an overall better service to our customers.


What do you enjoy most about the security profession?

Ensuring the safety and well-being of others within our communities is what I enjoy the most about the security profession. It gives me a sense of purpose about protecting people, property or sensitive information using our cutting-edge technologies. The security profession offers a variety of opportunities for personal and professional growth.

As technology evolves and new threats emerge, professionals in this field often need to stay-up-to date with the latest security protocols, techniques, and technologies. This constant learning is great for our profession because we can continue to expand our skill sets throughout our career. The security profession can be fast-paced and dynamic, with no two days being the same. From conducting risk assessments and implementing security measures to responding to incidents and managing emergencies, the profession can offer a diverse range of tasks and challenges. As more women make their mark in a traditionally male-dominated industry we can continue to inspire other women and contribute to a more inclusive and diverse security profession.

Do you have any tips for achieving a successful work-life balance?

Set clear boundaries between your work life and personal life. I’ll turn off my work mobile after work hours and on weekends. Employees at Vipond are encouraged to take their PTO for the year to recharge and reset. Asking for help and support when you need it can help alleviate stress and create more time for yourself.

Learning to say no when you feel overwhelmed or when additional commitments would interfere on your personal time is another example of setting boundaries without feeling guilty. You can use your personal time to engage in activities that bring you joy and relaxation, whether it’s spending time with loved ones, pursuing hobbies (hiking and being in nature is key for me) or practicing self-care.

How can the security industry draw more young people and newcomers to the profession?

Attracting young people and newcomers to the security industry is crucial for its growth and vitality. Vipond advocates for personal development and encourages us to have new ideas. Raising awareness about all the cutting-edge technologies that help keep our communities more secure can draw more young people and newcomers to the profession because of the potential for growth, advancement and specialization in areas such as cybersecurity, physical security, risk management and AI. By educating young people and newcomers about the demand for skilled professionals and collaborating with educational institutions, there can be progress in the development of security related courses or certifications that provide a clear pathway into the profession.

Young people are often drawn to industries that offer opportunities for creativity and problem-solving. Establishing mentorship and apprenticeship programs that provide practical learning experiences and guidance for young individuals entering the profession is another way to increase awareness and help attract and retain new talent. I was fortunate enough to be mentored and supported by my colleague Lisa Grimes who has been in the security world for several years which has been an integral part of my success as someone who had no security background when I first started.

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