SP&T News

Top 10 Under 40: Taylor Wolsey, National director of operations, GardaWorld Security Systems and Technology, 37

June 30, 2023  By  SP&T Staff

What is the first task you take care of in a typical working day?

My first personal task: Exercise. It is only in the last few years that I consistently start my day this way. I knew it was something I wanted to make part of my routine, but I kept finding reasons or excuses not to. It is liberating to now be consistently hitting my health goals. I highly recommend it.

My first task at work: Remember where we are going. I review my personal vision of where I can see our company. I then review large projects that are part of the journey towards making the vision into reality. With this perspective, I then proceed with the daily tasks, emails, meetings, emergencies, needs and support of customers and staff. I made the mistake early in my career of leading others while forgetting where we are going, and it is not a feeling I want again.



What do you enjoy most about the security profession?

Technology! The security industry simplifies complex solutions, protects clients, and provides data for the customer to make informed business decisions. Technology allows the agility required to be both proactive and reactive to a solution. Customers now expect that we not only understand but embrace the best technology solution specifically modified to their needs and wants.

Do you have any tips for achieving a successful work-life balance?

When you are at work, be at work; when you are with family, be with family. It is simple, but true. Commit to the task at hand, eliminate distractions and be intentional with your time. When required, it is good to work late nights or attend to emergencies, but when you have completed the task at hand, be done and be intentional in your other responsibilities. Currently, I am striving to follow this in my personal life as I balance work, being a husband, raising four daughters, and volunteering in the community. It is a challenge, but this tip has been helpful for me.

How can the security industry draw more young people and newcomers to the profession?

Creativity and transparency. Technology continues to evolve; today’s youth have embraced it and use it to simplify or increase enjoyment of their lives. Too often as leaders we stifle their creativity in using technology. To avoid this, it is essential to be transparent as to the “why” behind what we do. As leaders, if we cannot truly justify and explain the reason “why” we do what we do then we must embrace creativity with technology and create the change. We must embrace what makes us uncomfortable and be leaders that empower, document, implement and optimize our team’s creativity. As we do this, the next generation will be attracted to our industry as a place where they can not only make a good wage, but also have the impact that brings purpose to a career.

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