SP&T News

WESCO-Anixter welcomes in-person attendees at Montreal show

November 16, 2021  By  SP&T Staff

WESCO-Anixter held its Montreal Showcase event on Nov. 5, the first in-person trade show in Canada for the company since October 2019 due to COVID-19 restrictions.

The event featured 46 exhibitors and drew more than 300 attendees — a mix of security integrators, consultants, engineers, datacom and telco professionals, and end users.

The show opened at 8:30 a.m. and concluded at 3 p.m. Lunch was also served. In addition to exhibits, five seminars were available covering cabling, audio solutions, connectivity, technology convergence and smart building solutions.


“We downsized a bit (from 55-plus exhibitors in a normal year) but I wanted to show the industry that while we remain safe, we can restart the machine after two quiet years,” said Anixter regional manager Yves Simard. “What a success!”

“The Montreal sales team did a phenomenal job planning and promoting this event,” added Gary Mistak, vice-president and general manager, communication & security solutions. “The manufacturer community was overwhelmingly supportive and a big shout out to the staff at the Montreal Aeroport Marriott Hotel for doing their best to keep everyone organized and safe! This event was a huge success for the communications and security Industry in Canada.” (Images courtesy WESCO-Anixter)

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