SP&T News

Top 10 Under 40: Rachel Garr, Director of administration, a.p.i. Alarm, 37

June 30, 2023  By  SP&T Staff

What is the first task you take care of in a typical working day?

My work days usually start the same way. I get to the office, sit down with a tea and start going through all the reports that I received from the day before. I then check in with other management to see what’s going on and if there’s any issues we need to address. I’m big on lists, so next I’ll write down the three main things I need to get done that day.

What do you enjoy most about the security profession?

I take pride in being involved in an industry that is focused on helping people protect themselves, their loved ones and their property. The industry is filled with challenges, but it is also very rewarding.


Do you have any tips for achieving a successful work-life balance?

Achieving a successful work-life balance can be challenging, especially in a 24/7 industry like ours. However, I try to handle it by focusing only on work when I am at work and dedicating time to my children when I am at home. I keep my phone out of reach and trust if it is something urgent, someone will call.

How can the security industry draw more young people and newcomers to the profession?

I think the security industry needs to continue to innovate. The industry is constantly changing and applying new technologies, like artificial intelligence, will ensure that working in the industry stays rewarding and exciting for newcomers.

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