SP&T News

Top 10 Under 40: Ediz Kemal, General manager, Tone-Gar Group of Companies, 38

July 1, 2023  By  SP&T Staff

What is the first task you take care of in a typical working day?

What makes this line of work exciting is I never have a typical work day. However, I do believe the first task you take care of sets the tone for the rest of your day. I try to start my day with a clear plan and prioritize tasks based on their importance and urgency. Starting my day with a focused and organized approach helps me set my day up for success.

What do you enjoy most about the security profession?

As a security professional, I have come to realize that this industry is more than just a job, it is a passion. What I most enjoy about the security industry is the thrill of constantly being challenged and the opportunity to make a difference in people’s lives. It all comes down to people helping people. Every day presents new challenges and opportunities to learn and grow from.


The security industry provides a sense of purpose that is hard to match. Knowing that the work I do helps keep people and the communities we serve safe gives me a sense of pride and accomplishment. It is a rewarding feeling to know that my contributions make a positive impact on society.

Do you have any tips for achieving a successful work-life balance?

In today’s fast-paced and demanding world, finding a balance between work and personal life can be challenging. However, it is essential for everyone’s overall well-being and happiness. I prioritize and set boundaries, manage time effectively, and ensure to take care of my mental health. In a leadership role, it is essential to create a workspace where mental health and wellness is prioritized for all.

How can the security industry draw more young people and newcomers to the profession?

The security industry is in need of fresh talent and innovative ideas to keep up with ever-evolving threats. To draw more young people and newcomers to the profession, it is crucial to embrace modernization and showcase the exciting opportunities that lie within this field. By highlighting advancements, the potential for career growth, and the critical role security plays in our community, we can inspire the next generation to join us. The security industry offers a unique and fulfilling career path for those who are passionate about keeping our society safe. It is a field that requires dedication and hard work, but the rewards are well worth it.

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