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News CANASA Update Opinion
Protecting Canada during the pandemic

Sharing best practices has helped Canadian security companies weather the storm together

June 29, 2020  By Patrick Shaw

Patrick Straw, CANASA

How quickly this very different way of doing business and looking after our families is starting to feel normal.

While this has been an extremely challenging time for our member companies, all indications are that the Canadian security industry has adapted quickly, safely and very professionally.

Never before has the dedication to protecting life and property been more evident as companies completely changed their routines to look after their employees and their customers — adapting on the fly without missing a beat.

I have had the pleasure of sitting in on dozens of committee meetings, listening to companies who compete with each other on a daily basis that are now working tirelessly to help each other out by sharing best practices and ideas for converting to home offices. This is the community that is the Canadian security industry.


The future of business as usual?

It is my opinion that life will never be the same again. Much has been learned about running businesses efficiently and what can be accomplished in a safer and less fragile work environment. While it hasn’t been easy for many, it has taught us that we can do things differently and still do them well.

The internet has allowed companies to keep their brands alive and current while there are still so many limitations on sales activity and travel. Sales haven’t stopped, they are just done differently now. The need for security in Canada is at its peak and we will deliver.

CANASA is here to support you!

With the majority of our industry working from home, the engagement and sharing of information on our social media platforms has been incredible. Make sure you join our Facebook group “Canadian Security Online” if you are not already a member. It’s very active daily. People have been able to address questions and issues that have been around for a long time and they have shared conversations with their peers from coast to coast. As restrictions are slowly being lifted, we must diligently follow social distancing protocols to make sure we do not slide back into a second wave.

If you have experienced COVID-19 related challenges while operating your business, get in touch with me at the CANASA office (pstraw@canasa.org). I can share ideas and best practices that I have learned from other companies.

Lastly, I want to wish everyone in our industry a safe and prosperous second half to 2020. We will get through this together and we will be a stronger security industry in Canada as a result of all of your efforts.

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